Our Customers

Over 40 Towns and Cities are using Voter Checklist

Fairfield County



Hartford County

5-14-12-11-1glastonbury-newStratford (1)



Litchfield County



Middlesex County




Tolland County



Windham County

3-Mar-27-2024-05-45-16-8916-PM2-Mar-27-2024-05-45-16-8797-PM1-Mar-27-2024-05-45-16-9344-PMStratford (2)


New Haven County



New London County



Greenwich (Customer since 2014)

After working with Voter CheckListTM at the August Primary, I can’t wait until November. We used the full suite of applications, including centralized administration and loading of voter lists. We had our “paper checkers” sit side by side with poll workers using Voter CheckListTM, and found those using Voter CheckListTM were just as fast, if not faster, than those using the paper list.

          Rave Reviews from everyone who went to our website and looked at the real-time voter turnout statistics. This saved so much time and effort versus calling the polling places for hourly counts. Moderators were using their own smartphones to check the data during the day as well.

          Now that the initial setup is done, we expect configuring 38 lines for November to be a snap. The whole setup will be faster than just the process of generating, printing, and binding over one hundred books for unofficial checkers.

Fred Decaro

Registrar of Voters